Male Body Lift

Have you ever heard of a male body lift? Most men want to have a physique that is toned and muscular, and workout in order to help themselves attain the right look. Diet and exercise are great ways to lose weight and feel great, but they don’t always help. In some cases, excess fat may remain on the body. Aging, too, can cause a “sagging” appearance to otherwise toned muscles.

A sagging body often causes self-esteem issues and may even make it hard for men to find clothing that suits them. It used to be that men who had a sagging body would have to just deal with it. Fortunately, those times are gone and men in New York City can now obtain a male body lift to help themselves get the look they want.

Male Body Lift in NYC

What Is A Body Lift?

A body lift is a set of surgical procedures that help remove excess sagging skin and excess fatty deposits from areas throughout a man’s body. This helps create a more toned, youthful, and healthy appearance in men.

What Kind Of Body Lifts Are There?

Dr. Steinbrech offers four different kinds of male body lifts. The one that you choose will be based on the problem areas you have, and how much of a difference you want to see. Here’s the scoop on each one:

Upper Body Lift. This is a body lift that will remove excess skin and fat from your arms, chest, and back. In many cases, an Upper Body Lift is also combined with gynecomastia treatments.

Middle Body Lift. This body lift removes excess fatty deposits around your midsection, along with extra skin. If you have a “beer gut,” then this is probably going to be the lift you want.

Lower Body Lift. If you have excessive fat and skin near your thighs, buttocks, or legs, you may be a better candidate for a lower body lift.

Full Body Lift. This is a combination of all three body lifts and works to help overhaul your entire body. If you want very drastic results, this is going to be the choice you will want to make.

360 TorsoTuck® - Before & After

How Is A Body Lift Performed?

Each body lift will be a little bit different, based on the individual patient’s needs and body type. Most body lifts involve a combination of liposuction and skin removal to obtain the desired results, and will typically take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours in the operating room.

To see real Male Body Lift results, view our gallery: View Male Body Lift Results Gallery

To learn about the right body lift for you, you will need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Steinbrech and his Patient Care Coordinator.  The team and Male Plastic Surgery New York will detail the process that will be right for you and explain what you should expect when undergoing a Male Body Lift.

Call Dr. Steinbrech at The Center for Male Plastic Surgery in New York: 

If you want to get a better body click here to schedule a consultation or call: 646-921-3052 


Dr-Douglas-SteinbrechDouglas S. Steinbrech, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon that specializes in male aesthetics. Dr. Steinbrech is certified by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and a diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Learn More seals

