GynoFix in NYC

GynoFix in NYC: A Treatment for Men

GynoFix in NYC is a treatment for men who have excess breast tissue, which is an embarrassing situation. To find clothing that fits when you have “man boobs” can be difficult. Even taking your shirt off can be a seriously daunting task. For men, the growth of excess breast tissue is known as gynecomastia—and it’s a fairly common issue that will eventually affect around half of all men.

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your appearance? Look no further than GynoFix, the ultimate solution for male breast reduction in NYC! Say goodbye to those stubborn fatty deposits that hinders your confidence, and embrace a new level of self-assurance. Our team of highly skilled and experienced surgeons understands the unique needs and concerns of men seeking this procedure, ensuring that you receive personalized care from start to finish. With cutting-edge techniques and state-of-the-art technology at our disposal, we guarantee exceptional results that will leave you amazed. Whether caused by hormonal imbalances or genetics, our expert surgeons can sculpt your chest into a more masculine form, restoring symmetry and contouring to perfection. Don’t let gynecomastia hold you back any longer – unlock the confident version of yourself with GynoFix today!

Dr. Steinbrech proudly offers GynoFix, a new way to permanently treat gynecomastia for men in New York City.  

What is GynoFix?

GynoFix is Dr. Steinbrech’s unique technique to treat gynecomastia. It is a procedure series that ensures that you will have a masculine chest that is free from excess tissue for the rest of your life.

Gynecomastia - Before and After

How Does GynoFix Work?

To treat it, Dr. Steinbrech first offers a consultation to determine what stage you have. He then will ask you questions to determine what could have caused gynecomastia in the past. If there is a chemical reason, he may ask you to abstain from what could be causing it to determine if gynecomastia will go away on its own.

If your gynecomastia can’t be treated by a simple fix, Dr. Steinbrech will use GynoFix to permanently treat it. GynoFix uses a combination of liposuction, glandular excision, and excess skin tissue removal to make your gynecomastia a thing of the past. Dr. Steinbrech’s technique leaves incision marks barely visible; it’ll be as if you never had surgery at all.

Most GynoFix procedures will take about an hour in the operating room. They can be done using either local or general anesthesia, and are custom-tailored to suit the patient’s specific gynecomastia case.

To view Dr. Steinbrech’s Gynecomastia Gallery click here

Who Is A Good GynoFix Candidate?

Anyone who has gynecomastia and is in reasonably good health will be a good candidate for GynoFix. Time is also a factor that will determine whether GynoFix is right for you. This invasive procedure will take around five days of downtime and will take about a month of light activity. Anyone who is looking for a more permanent solution to gynecomastia and is sick of having to deal with the embarrassment will find GynoFix to be a great choice.

Call Dr. Steinbrech’s Office Today

If you want to learn about GynoFix, schedule a consultation with Dr. Steinbrech at his New York City office by calling 646-921-3052 or fill out our contact form to learn more about gynecomastia treatments.


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Dr-Douglas-SteinbrechDouglas S. Steinbrech, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon that specializes in male aesthetics. Dr. Steinbrech is certified by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and a diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Learn More seals

