Gladiator Abs ™ is a procedure that was commonly referred to as abdominal etching before Dr. Douglas Steinbrech perfected the technique and trademarked Gladiator Abs™. It surgically enhances your appearance and improves the definition of abdominal muscles. This innovative procedure removes unwanted fat and sculpts your abs definition to help you get the ripped abs you always wanted.
Gladiator Abs ™ Developed by Dr. Douglas Steinbrech to Get the Abs You’ve Always Wanted!
Many men believe, as a fictional gladiator once proclaimed,
“What we do in this life echoes in eternity!”
That has certainly never rang more true when it comes to diet, exercise, and the lasting effects on one’s midsection. Reality exposes the harsh truth that even the most well-disciplined individuals with toned abs can still be concealed under a layer of fat. Gladiators exemplify a physique that still exudes masculinity while promoting the ultimate strong, defined, healthy body prototype.
This surgery produces optimal results that accentuate existing muscle tissue by ridding the body of excess fat and skin, revealing the “six-pack” that has been hidden from yourself and other admirers. Gladiator Abs take liposuction surgery, and tummy tucks a step further as Dr. Steinbrech can sculpt or “etch” on top of the tissues of the abdomen to achieve successful results and unveil the Gladiator within. Your abdominal region will appear firm, tight, and more muscular than ever before through the Gladiator abs technique!
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The Gladiator Ab Procedure
The overall time to execute the procedure takes approximately an hour. Gladiator abs can be performed as an outpatient procedure administering either local or general anesthesia. Before surgery, Dr. Steinbrech will trace the outline of the patient’s abdominal muscles. The lines drawn will act as a guide for Dr. Steinbrech to follow during surgery as several small incisions will be made around the belly button following the natural crease of the abdomen. A small metal tube called a cannula will be inserted underneath the skin for that raised ab effect. Using a liposuction approach, excess fat is removed along the lines drawn by the surgeon, sculpting the abs into the desired contours. The incisions typically measure less than a quarter of an inch but may or may not require sutures to conclude the procedure.
Are You a Candidate for Gladiator Abs?
- Overall good health
- Already well-toned abdominal muscles
- Disappointed in the appearance of their midsection due to an unwanted, stubborn layer of fat covering muscles
Gladiator Abs are not appropriate for an individual with a significant amount of weight to lose from the abdominal region. The ideal candidate for this procedure should already be physically fit with an athletic muscle build. The Gladiator Ab technique will only be optimally effective when the individual sustains only relatively small pockets of fat concentrated in midsection. Individuals with a body fat percentage of greater than 18% are not appropriate candidates for this procedure.
Those considering undergoing this procedure should understand that after this surgery, following a healthy diet and exercise regimen is still essential to maintaining the results.
Gladiator Abs Recovery Time
Recovery time can vary for each individual. You can expect to experience some pain and discomfort, which should be manageable using over-the-counter pain medications. Most patients return to work in about a week. Gladiator Abs will become fully apparent within six months after your body has had sufficient time to heal.
Dr. Steinbrech may instruct you to wear a compression garment over your abdomen for several weeks. This will reduce swelling and help the tissues to adjust to their new contours faster. For the first week or two after surgery, strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided.
Schedule a Consultation
For more information about Gladiator Abs, please set up your consultation today. For out-of-town patients not in NYC, please learn more about our Fly-In program.