Different Types of Facial Implants For Men

Facial implants were designed to permanently reshape and enhance specific features of the face. Just like implants of the body, there are several facial implant options to choose from. These implants can be fully customized to meet the specific needs of each patient. The implant itself is a solid, synthetic material that is compatible with human tissue, adding body and contour to facial structure. Here are four different types of facial implants for men to choose from.

Different Types of Facial Implants for Men

chin surgery in NYC 1. Chin Implant

A chin implant will increase the size and prominence to become proportional to the mid-face and forehead. The implant will be positioned internally right under the bottom lip or under the chin.

Typically, patients who undergo a chin implant have a small chin that disappears into the neck. Not only does this implant improve one’s facial profile, but it also strengthens the chin. If the chin does not fully develop, weakening problems will arise as well as a receding chin. Having a weak chin creates an imbalance of the face, making the nose look larger, the midface top-heavy, and the lower face look short, and it de-emphasizes the lips. Results are often dependent on the patient’s desired look.

2. Jaw Implant

A jaw implant is similar to a chin implant as it will create a fuller, more prominent-looking jaw. This implant enhances the bone structure and is placed on the jawline, an area known for being associated with an attractive masculine appearance. This augmentation is usually paired with the chin implant to create a fuller lower face, but this pairing is completely optional.

Patients who choose this implant have wide lower faces and want to have a defined jawline. Also, these facial implants are best for candidates who suffer from overbites, misaligned teeth, open bites, or other abnormal bites that affect one’s appearance.

3. Malar Implants

Malar implants, also known as cheek implants, increase the projection of the cheekbones. This augmentation is popular for individuals who have a weak facial bone structure. With a malar implant, the cheekbones will go from a flat surface to a more full structure. Because the malar region projects more than any other part of a person’s midface skeleton, the implant will be placed right on top of the existing cheekbone for the best result.

Patients will find that their cheeks are very prominent in their appearance. The more hollow the cheeks are, the older you will look. This causes people to look older than they are. Whether it be from aging or simply losing the bone structure (or density), the cheek implants will ensure the fullness of the cheekbone structure.

4. Nasal Implant

Chin correction surgery

A nasal implant focuses on the shape of the nose. The implant will support the upper and lower lateral of the cartilage. By doing so, cartilage support will create an open airway, making it easier for patients to breathe.

This implant is more popular for individuals who have a hard time breathing. This is usually caused by a trauma-related injury or defects that remain from childhood. Patients who had this procedure found improvements including:

  • Reduced congestion and stuffiness
  • Improved ability to retain air through the nose while exercising
  • Reduced blockage or interference
  • Better sleeping habits
  • Easier to breathe overall through the nose

Determining if You’re a Good Candidate For Facial Implants

Facial implants are best performed on individuals whose skull and head have reached physical maturity, usually adulthood. It is also very popular for patients to go through this process after a trauma-related injury that was damaging to the face. Ideal candidates also include those who are non-smokers, are physically healthy, and have a positive outlook on the procedures with specific and realistic goals for the surgeon to achieve.

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Dr-Douglas-SteinbrechDouglas S. Steinbrech, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon that specializes in male aesthetics. Dr. Steinbrech is certified by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and a diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Learn More seals

