No Sweat 6-Pack This Summer in NYC

6-Pack Abs is a sculpted liposuction technique designed for achieving aesthetic perfection!

The Male summer body

Advantages of 6-Pack Sculpting Surgery

  • Have the more contoured, sleek-cut abdominal six-pack you’ve always desired.
  • Relatively fast recovery period.
  • Gain self-confidence and enhance your self-esteem.

Well, Memorial Day Weekend came and went just as anticipated. But for the next three months, all eyes are on you and your shirtless physique as you bask in the glory of the sun and the sands. Of course, the time of year which includes everyone staring at your bare stomach happens to also be the season of BBQs and other social celebrations. You’re probably eating and drinking more than usual and seemingly more naked. Go figure!

Many men typically find it difficult to define their mid-section into a 6-pack as it is, regardless of rigorous workouts and healthy eating habits. However, a summer-fun lifestyle goes hand in hand with looking and feeling your absolute best- with a side of confidence to go with it of course.

No Sweat 6-Pack This Summer in NYC

How are all of these men getting the rippled abs that everyone envies on the beach?

The answer is simple: Hi-Def 6-Pack Liposcultping

Hi-Def Liposculpting by Dr. Steinbrech offers a more targeted and defined result. When used on the upper and lower abdomen, Hi Def Liposculpting chisels out the ultimate six-pack and pelvic lines for the ideal, toned physique.

Hi-Def Liposculpting for men in NYC is a less invasive alternative to traditional liposculpture treatments focused on safely and effectively eliminating fatty deposits that are often the result of genetics and have proven resistant to traditional weight loss and dieting efforts. Liposuction sculpts the body by removing undesirable fat that simply doesn’t respond properly to those attempts. Genetics sometimes work against us, and a secret weapon is needed! No matter how disciplined you may be with your gym regimen, some men find themselves at a standstill that no amount of sit-ups, crunches, or even diet can help them to achieve their optimal goals and progress.

The Procedure

The Hi-Def Liposculpting procedure may last from one to five hours, depending on the amount of fat being removed for male patients in NYC. Dr. Steinbrech will use either local or general anesthesia depending on the size of the area(s) being treated as well as several other factors. Methods are discussed during your pre-operative consultation.

The Recovery

  • Post-Hi Def Liposculpting, compression garments, and antibiotics may be needed to facilitate the healing process.
  • Many male NYC patients return to work within a few days.
  • Strenuous activity should be avoided for about a month.

a better wasy to 6 pack abs

Abdominal Etching Vs Ab Implants

Abdominal implants may be an alternative to the popular procedure known as abdominal etching, but it is important to understand the difference in procedure and results. Etching is a form of liposuction that gives you a flat, tight stomach with greater muscle definition. The surgeon removes excess fat and then creates grooves in the remaining fat layers to simulate the appearance of toned abs. Abdominal implants, however, are actual implants designed to mimic the look of the six-pack, and they can provide an even more defined appearance than abdominal etching. Most men will find the etching to provide the more desirable aesthetic and solution for sculpted abs with a more natural-looking mass appeal.

For more information about Hi Def Liposculpting for Men in NYC, please call 646-921-3052 or visit Dr. Steinbrech’s clinic to schedule your consultation today.

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Dr-Douglas-SteinbrechDouglas S. Steinbrech, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon that specializes in male aesthetics. Dr. Steinbrech is certified by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and a diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Learn More seals

