Biggest Winner

Biggest Winner Plastic Surgery in NYC

necklift for men nyc

Dr. Douglas Steinbrech specializes in male massive weight loss plastic surgery such as aTorsoTuck®tm, chest lift, thigh lift, and muscular enhancement at his surgical center in NYC. He aims to raise the bar on post-weight loss techniques to create a more natural but chiseled appearance for a man, not a woman. This includes his swimsuit lift™, his MuscleShadowing® techniques, and BodyBanking® to remove any remaining fat and transplant the cells into a muscle to create a more muscular size. Read more about the Biggest Winner plastic surgery for men in New York City.

You Chose The Biggest Winner Because…

  • You’ve worked hard to lose the weight, but you need to complete the transformation.
  • Now you feel like you’re wearing somebody else’s skin.
  • You’ve built excellent muscle mass, but it’s not showing through.
  • You’re a man; techniques and incisions are different from women.


SwimSuitLift with Chiseled Abs

Chest lift with Pec Enhancement

Thigh Lift


Biggest Winner Patient Case Studies

1. Patient #1

“Patient #1” is in his mid-20s and has lost 95 lbs. He is interested in improving the contour of his waist and abs.

Biggest Winner before and after weight loss stomach and ab contouring

The Plan:

  • Circumferential body lifts with TorsoTuck®tm to keep the incision low and hidden by board shorts, trunks, or a speedo.
  • tightened ab muscle
  • SurferAb MuscleShadowing®

2. Patient #2 

“Patient #2” is in his early 20’s and lost 85 pounds

Before and after tummy tuck and contouring

The Plan:

  • Ab-Tuck with SwimSuitIncision™
  • Tightened ab muscle
  • SurferAb MuscleShadowing®

3. Patient #3

Before and after front view of patient #3 male plastic surgery

“Patient #3” is in his early 30’s and he lost over 100 pounds

The Plan:

  • Circumferential body lift with TorsoTucktm to keep the incision low and hidden by board shorts, trunks, or a speedo.
  • Bicep, tricep MuscleGel™ implants
  • Abd etching and grafting
  • Forearm MuscleGel™ implants
  • Deltoid (Shoulder) MuscleGel™ implants with additional BodyBanking® grafting
  • Pec (Chest) MuscleGel™ implants with additional BodyBanking® grafting

To learn more about Dr. Steinbrech’s Biggest Winner Plastic Surgery for Men in NYC, please contact his office to set up your no-obligation consultation. You may also call 646-921-3052 to speak to one of our friendly Patient Advisors today.

Shoulder Augmentation, Torsotuck, Deviated Septum Symptoms Causes And Rhinoplasty Nose Job, Bye Bye Man Boobs, Calf Implants Boost Body Image, Male Ideal Body Type In NYC


Dr-Douglas-SteinbrechDouglas S. Steinbrech, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon that specializes in male aesthetics. Dr. Steinbrech is certified by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and a diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Learn More seals

