Different Types of Facial Implants For Men
Facial implants were designed to permanently reshape and enhance specific features of the face. Just like implants of the body, there are several facial implant options to choose from. These implants can be fully customized to meet the specific needs of each patient. The implant itself is a solid, synthetic material that is compatible with […]
Weight Loss Plastic Surgery for Men in NYC
Weight loss plastic surgery for men in NYC is an option for those who can’t achieve it through diet and exercise. For most men, losing the weight required to maintain a healthy lifestyle is a difficult task. It is important to value the weight of your body, as it can be the source of serious […]
Jaw Implant for Men in NYC
What is a Jaw Implant for Men? A maw implant for men, or Genioplasty, is a surgical procedure that enhances one’s facial anatomy with the use of a state-of-the-art silicone implant. Jaw augmentation contours the face’s side profile and harmonizes facial symmetry for a more natural, masculine look. Board-certified Dr. Steinbrech specializes in male anatomy. […]
Cheek Implant for Men in NYC
What is a Cheek Implant for Men in NYC? Cheek implant for men in NYC surgery is often performed to accentuate the cheekbones and improve the appearance of a “flattened” face. There are 3 types of cheek implants which include malar, sub-malar, or both. These implants are placed directly onto the bone, giving the cheek […]
Chin Implant for Men in NYC
What is a Chin Implant? Chin implant for men surgery, or Mentoplasty, is the process of placing a medical-grade implant into the chin to improve the contours of the face. A weak or unpronounced chin is often the culprit of poor facial symmetry which potentially makes one’s nose appear larger than it is. A chin […]
10 Types of Silicone Implants for Men
Over the last decade, there has been a sharp increase in plastic surgery for men, and in this article, we list the 10 types of silicone implants for men. A 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons report showed a 29 percent jump in cosmetic procedures performed on men since 2000. In fact, the same report […]
Video Blog Male Model Makeover®
The video blog Male Model Makeover is for male models in New York City or those who want to look like male models. New York City is competitive and to succeed you need to look good You’re faced with the challenge of keeping up your appearance. The industry demands a youthful appearance with strong facial […]
Beauty Is A Gift Every Holiday
Beauty is a gift every holiday, and male plastic surgery is a fading stigma… So why not give the man in your life the gift that keeps on giving? Providing a man the freedom to achieve his ultimate aesthetic goals allows him to regain an edge on the competition, feel young, and confident, and look […]
Listen to Dr. Steinbrech on Male Plastic Surgery
Dr. Steinbrech on Male Plastic Surgery during a discussion with Mike Campion. Episode 018 Dr. Douglas Steinbrech In this episode, we will discuss: The 4 types of men’s plastic surgery patients What types of plastic surgery are available to men, specifically How Dr. Steinbrech is giving men “surfer’s abs” Brazilian Butt Lifts for Men Why […]
The Four Types of Men Who Get Plastic Surgery and the Best Procedures For Them in NYC
As Featured on ForMen.com It’s a huge misconception that plastic surgery is for women. According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the number of cosmetic procedures for men has increased by more than 106% between 1997 and 2012, with the most common procedures being liposuction, rhinoplasty (nose job), eyelid surgery, gynescomastia […]