Hi Def Pec Enhancement

Pec Augmentation

Hi Def Pec Enhancement refers to pectoral implants, which began as a method to enhance the figure of bodybuilders who could not develop their chest muscles with regular exercise they desire a muscular and full look.  Dr. Steinbrech specializes in Hi-Def pectoral augmentation for men in NYC.  Today, pectoral implants are the popular solution for thousands of men seeking to look their best.

Hi Def Pec Augmentation by Dr. Steinbrech offers sculpted and muscular-looking contour to the male chest.

Surgery requires general anesthesia and implants are inserted with a small incision in the armpit. The implants are kept in place by the pectoralis muscle. The muscle function itself is not hindered, allowing patients the ability to continue exercise after healing. Unlike the implants for females, male implants are not filled and feel firm to the touch.

Hi Def Pec Enhancement differs from a regular pectoral implant surgery as Dr. Steinbrech artfully gives a chiseled, defined, and full look.

Post hi def pectoral augmentation, male patients in NYC can expect soreness for a few days post-surgery. Full activity (such as strenuous exercise) is restricted for up to six weeks, however, normal activity can be resumed after as little time as 1 week.

For more information about Hi Def pectoral augmentation for men and pec implants in NYC, please fill out the contact form or visit Dr. Steinbrech’s clinic to set up your no-obligation consultation today.

Pec Augmentation - Before and After

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Dr-Douglas-SteinbrechDouglas S. Steinbrech, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon that specializes in male aesthetics. Dr. Steinbrech is certified by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and a diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Learn More seals

