BuzzFeed Shows Men Take More Body Selfies

According to a recent article, Buzzfeed shows men take more body selfies than women. While women place a heavy focus on capturing flawless faces in their selfies, men concentrate on every contour of their body with a flash and a mirror. Who’s More SELFISH? Men Vs. Women Selfies The Rise of Liposuction, Gynecomastia, and the […]

Dr. Douglas Steinbrech Reaches Peak Numbers on YouTube

New York, NY- Dr. Douglas Steinbrech reaches peak numbers on YouTube as an officially acclaimed YouTube sensation. Over the past few weeks, Dr. Steinbrech has set record-breaking views for his practice, Male Plastic Surgery, located in the heart of Manhattan, with over 16.5 K+ subscribers viewing his 180+ videos. The viral videos in which Dr. […]

Male Ideal Body Type in NYC

A question to men:: What would you define as the “perfect ideal body type”? Is it a strong David Beckham face? Would it include a super-sculpted Ryan Gosling torso and big Hugh Jackman biceps? Or perhaps those lean Frank Lampert legs? Results from a study show that below are the differences defining the perfect male […]

Effects of A New Jenneration

As Featured on Elite Daily… Jenner-ation Y: How Social Image Is Gaining Prevalence In Our Culture The Millennials are simply reacting based on this overexposure and earning power. Dr. Douglas Steinbrech, leading the forefront in male plastic surgery, has experienced a radical boom in business due to this transition in industry. With flawless faces like […]

Lifters Vs Fillers: The Benefits of Voluma in NYC

 This page is focused on lifters Vs. fillers for men, and the benefits of Columa. As you age, it’s not just about lines and wrinkles. Your cheeks can lose volume and your skin may begin to sag. JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC is the first and only FDA-approved injectable gel to instantly correct your concerns and cater to your desired expectations. Voluma adds […]

Man Boobs: Gynecomastia Treatment in Manhattan

This Gynecomastia infographic was created by Dr. Douglas Steinbrech, premier Manhattan plastic surgeon, to visualize some of the statistics, facts, and available treatments for men. Also, known as man boobs, it is the enlargement of the glandular tissue of the male breast. Gynecomastia is the fourth most commonly requested plastic surgery procedure for men (get […]

Free Your Fat This July 4th in NYC with Patriotic Abs

Free your fat on Independence Day. And you know what that means – BBQs, food, booze, and more food. I can already feel my waistline expanding just by thinking about it! Of course, guys can hit the gym immediately after to try and liberate the fat and rid themselves of those dreaded love handles (“hate […]

Featured on The Insider List: Top Plastic Procedures- NY

Top Plastic Procedures including Gladiator Abs, penis augmentation, or a Loub Job? Oh My! More and more people are going beyond what most individuals are familiar with– breast enhancements, tummy tucks, face lifts, etc. – to improve their physical appearance. When it comes to the latest innovative treatments available on the market, requests and consultations […]

No Sweat 6-Pack This Summer in NYC

6-Pack Abs is a sculpted liposuction technique designed for achieving aesthetic perfection! Advantages of 6-Pack Sculpting Surgery Have the more contoured, sleek-cut abdominal six-pack you’ve always desired. Relatively fast recovery period. Gain self-confidence and enhance your self-esteem. Well, Memorial Day Weekend came and went just as anticipated. But for the next three months, all eyes […]

How The Rise Of Social Apps Changed The Gen-Y View On Plastic Surgery

Male Plastic Surgery New York Logo

Social Apps changed the Gen-Y view on Plastic Surgery from the generations before them. For example, even men are jumping on the bandwagon with more and more “Brotox” requests (Botox for men) for liquid rhinoplasty and facelifts. According to recent reports from The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, various procedures among male patients seeking […]